Tag Archives: teambuy

Taking Advantage of Deal-Of-The-Day Websites


I am willing to bet that some of you readers, if not all, have at some point or another taken advantage of the increasingly popular “Deal-of-the-Day” sites.  Unless you’ve been hiding under a Wi-Fi-free rock, you may have heard of Wagjag, TravelZoo, RedFlagDeals, TeamBuy or any of the other sites that give you some amazing– and sometimes not-so-amazing– deals every day.  Sometimes you have to really read through the fine print to find out if there actually is a deal, as some of these can get really confusing in their conditions and inclusions.  We’ve collected a few of the ones that we have first-hand experience with and will try to give you, Alma Latina readers, some pointers so that you too can take advantage of some wonderful deals available to your through the magic of the interwebs.