Posted by on Apr 30, 2014 in Events, Featured Articles | 1 comment

Upcoming Events – May 2014

Upcoming Events – May 2014

Check out our upcoming events for the month of May… And don’t forget to send us your upcoming events, birthdays, wedding, Bar Mitzvahs, Quinceañeras, Graduation, etc, etc, pics and info to publish them in our Events & Celebrations page. /// Algunos de los eventos que tendrán lugar en el mes de Mayo… y no se olviden de enviarnos sus eventos y celebraciones de cumpleaños, bodas, Bar Mitzvahs, Quinceañeras, graduaciones, etc, etc, con fotos e información para ponerlas en nuestra página de Eventos y Celebraciones.



Celebrando a Mama 2014 English Revised


Songs 4 SchoolBOX v4SchoolBOX Cabaret Flyer v3




Access to Education


Scarborough Women's Centre


“Deepening the heart: let go of anger and move on” at Scarborough Women’s Centre with Gabriella Puschel. Saturday May 3rd from 10 am to 3 pm. FREE. Many of us carry emotional pain that we don’t know how to release. In this workshop, you will be guided through a 5 step heart healing process that will help you let go of pain, find freedom from the past and re-discover joy and fulfillment. $25 donation suggested if you can. Sponsored by Royal LePage Estate Realty. You must pre-register 416-439-7111 or [email protected]

“Crossing the line: unhealthy relationships” on Saturday May 10th from 10 to 3 pm at Scarborough Women’s Centre with Vivienne Kendry. FREE. This workshop will help address the unhealthy ways we may be treated by those we care about. Are they crossing the line? Is your relationship unhealthy? We will offer you support, resources and information to find your path to a healthier journey. $25 donation welcome if you can. Sponsored by The McLean Foundation.

“A design for living” at Scarborough Women’s Centre with Vivienne Kendry. 4 week course Tuesday May 13 to June 3 from 7 to 9 pm. FREE Navigate life strategies and bring perplexities for the forefront so you are able to find a more organized and productive lifestyle. $20 donation welcome if you can. Sponsored by FK Morrow Foundation. You must pre-register to ensure your spot. 416-439-7111 or [email protected] 

“Building self esteem” - workshop for young women 15-19 years of age at Scarborough Women’s Centre from 4 to 6 pm on Thursday May 8th. FREE. Let’s face it – we don’t always wake up feeling fabulous! Self-esteem plays a huge role in our everyday lives. Learn the difference between high vs. low self-esteem and what to do on those days when you aren’t feeling so great about yourself. Sponsored by Mackenzie Financial Charitable Foundation. Pre-register 416-439-7111 or [email protected]



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One Response to “Upcoming Events – May 2014”

  1. The Character Community Foundation of York Region awarded Norma Trivino a nomination plaque at the 8th Annual Character Community Awards on April 30, 2014, at the Richmond Hill Centre for the Performing Arts. The nomination was for the following category: Business Person of Character – Presented to an individual who demonstrates the York Region character attributes throughout their interactions in the workplace. The celebration is the Character Community Foundation’s signature event, which recognizes individuals, schools, groups and businesses across York Region that demonstrate the following exemplary character attributes: • Compassion • Inclusiveness • Perseverance • Courage • Initiative • Respect • Fairness • Integrity • Responsibility • Honesty • Optimism

    Here is the excerpt from the program given to all attendees at this event: “Norma Trivino has been honoured with 14 Employee Recognition Awards at her workplace. She has high moral and ethical standards, is genuine and authentic, and is always willing to help. She has consistently demonstrated professionalism, dedication and civic behaviour. Norma also serves as a dedicated volunteer for many community-based initiatives and has received 11 Volunteer Certificates. It is her positive example that encourages others to promote good character at work and in their communities.”

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